Antonia Kerrigan Literary Agency

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Search results for "soles negros"
It shows from 1 to 5 of 5 results
Espido Freire builds a wonderful novel about the transforming action of love to overcome sadness. Elena and Sergio make-up a united couple, but the impossibility of becoming parents brings about the lack of love between them and Sergio decides, after twenty years of living together, to leave Elena. She falls into a deep depression that shakes all aspects of her life. Time goes by and Elena receives a request from a distant relative to host... - Read more

A gold, coral and aquamarine necklace that an Iranian antiquarian begs Jorge Dezcallar to send to his daughter… This is how this book begins, in which a Spanish diplomat reviews his years as an ambassador—in Morocco, Washington and Rome—and recalls some of the personalities—ministers, kings, players and presidents—with whom he has shared diplomatic negotiations and also, at times, unforgettable evenings. Fishing... - Read more

One autumn night in 1940, the High society enjoys a brilliant party at the Ritz hotel in Madrid. The war ended over a year ago and the aristocrats and new military hierarchs are anxious for distraction and to show off their finery, oblivious to the hardships of the rest of Spain. One woman stands out apart from the rest; tall, blonde and wearing a gown from her dressmaker and friend, Balenciaga, her beauty has no rival; she is Sonsoles de... - Read more

Ashran the Necromancer seized the power in Idhun the day the three suns and the three moons aligned. In our world, a warrior and a magician exiled from Idhun have formed the Resistance, which Jack and Victoria, two adolescents born on Earth, also belong to. The group’s objective is to end the reign of the winged serpents, but Kirtash, a young and ruthless assassin, sent by Ashran to the Earth, is not going to let that happen…... - Read more

In early 2002, Miguel, an unemployed Argentinean, is at the brink of financial ruin, and worse yet, with a feeling of having a life not worth living. His distress only seems to grow when he accepts to travel to Africa to carry out an almost impossible mission. A blind bet of sorts, all or nothing, where the “all” is wealth and the end of depravation and the “nothing” death. Congo and Angola are the physical landscapes... - Read more

It shows from 1 to 5 of 5 results
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